Good morning SRV owners, we hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend. We wanted to send some important reminders as we approach the Bi-Annual Meeting:
* The bi-annual owners meeting is scheduled for June 1, 2024 beginning at 10:00 am at the Jack Frost Ski Lodge. Doors will open at 9:30 for registration. We will have coffee and tea to begin the morning. Attached you will find the meeting agenda as well as the November 2023 meeting minutes which will be approved at the meeting.
* Effective May 2024 the SRV Board of Directors has terminated the contract with Elite Security due to several contractual issues. The Board is working diligently on different options to ensure the Village is secure for our owners and guests.
* Owners are reminded to call 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency or to report noise, fires, fireworks, etc. Kidder Township Police and the Board of Directors / Management work closely together to monitor and resolve these types of issues.
* We ask that owners please ensure the Rules and Regulations are posted for your tenants and guests. Owners are ultimately responsible for their tenants/guests actions. Some of the most common issues we see are parking violations (cars must be parked head in or backed in, no parallel parking), no parking on any surface other than the paved parking areas, fires of any type are strictly prohibited (this includes fire pits, tiki torches, camp fires, etc.), fireworks are strictly prohibited, and noise complaints.
* Pets must be on a leash at all times. Please clean up after your pet.